The raw material of firebrick of composition of firebrick raw material is a lot of more phyletic, composition basically divides kind: Earth, stone, arenaceous, mine, pink and other. One of raw material, earth: Aluminous every earth, kaolin, clay, of diatomite raw material, stone: Jade-like stone stone, cyanite, andalusite, magnesian olivine, vermiculite, mo Laishi, pyrophyllite, chlorite, dolomite, silicon line stone, magnalium pointed spar, of silica raw material, arenaceous: Tao Sha, zirconium flower is arenaceous, quartz is arenaceous, of magnesia raw material, mine: Of chromic mine raw material, pink: Metallic aluminium powder, silicon small pink, firebrick of metallic silicon pink of raw material, other: Bitumen, black lead, phenolic aldehyde colophony, pearlite, float bead, contest grand, corundum, vitriolic silicon, carborundum, water glass, silicon collosol, carbonization boron, aluminous acerbity calcic cement, nitrogen turns material, shaly ceramists, alumina, aluminous collosol, zirconia.
Silicon aluminium fastens fireproof raw material: Makings of what of stone of qualitative clay of quartz of silica, melt, half silicon, candle, clay, clay, kaolinite, Jiao Baoshi,
Earth of embellish of clay of alumina of makings of bauxite, tall aluminous aluminous what, Molaishi, corundum, industry, ball, Peng.
Alkalescent and fireproof raw material: Magnesite, magnesia, seawater magnesia, capacitance magnesia, dolomite, magnesian dolomite, magnesian dolomite is arenaceous,
Magnesian calcic arenaceous, magnesian silicon is arenaceous, magnesian iron sand, magnesian pointed spar of chromic pointed spar of arenaceous, magnalium, magnesian chromium, magnesian olivine,
Other and fireproof raw material: Stone of black lead, carbide, carborundum, nitride, boride, zirconia, zirconium, ferrochrome is arenaceous.
Adiabatic and fireproof material: Diatomite, vermiculite, pearlite, float bead, mineral wool.
What classify does firebrick have? Press occupation standard of active standard country normally (GB 10324-88) requirement, the phyletic classify of firebrick divides into mark model, general, abnormity, special model firebrick a few kinds:
(1) markFirebrick. It is dimension commonly of 230mm×114mm×65mm straight model the brick says for mark brick.
(2) general firebrick. Dimension is occupied than (least with bigger norms scale, identical) in 1: Inside 4 limits, do not take reentrant, hole or provide channel, its sheet is the clay brick of 2 ~ 8kg again, the silicon qualitative brick of 2 ~ 6kg, the tall aluminium of 2 ~ LOkg makes a brick, the magnesium of 4 ~ LOkg pledges or magnalium makes a brick, all say for general brick.
(3) abnormity firebrick.
1) clay, tall aluminium makes special shaped brick. Of every dimension occupy than in 1:6In the category, have do not exceed 2 reentrant (include less than of reentrant of circular arc form) , or have 1 50. ~ 75. obtuse angle, or contain do not exceed 4 canals channel, its are suttle the clay brick that is 2 ~ 15kg and the tall aluminium of 2 ~ 18kg make a brick, say for special shaped brick.
2) silicon qualitative special shaped brick. Of every dimension occupy than in 1:5In the category, have do not exceed a reentrant, or have 1 50. ~ 75. obtuse angle, or contain do not exceed 2 canals channel, its are suttle the silicon qualitative brick that is 2 ~ 12kg, the special shaped brick is silicon that says.
3) magnesium pledges or magnalium makes special shaped brick. Altogether not to bring into this a chain of general brick all be included special shaped brick.
(4) spyFirebrick.
1) clay, tall aluminium is made special model brick. Of every dimension occupy than in 1:8In the category, have do not exceed 4 reentrant (include less than of reentrant of circular arc form) or have 1 50. ~ 30. obtuse angle, perhaps have do not exceed 8 canals channel, perhaps have do not exceed a hole, its are suttle for 1. The sticky earthy brick of 5 ~ 30kg and the tall aluminium of 1.5 ~ 35kg make a brick, say for special model brick.
2) silicon is qualitative special model brick. Every dimension is occupied than in 1:6In the category, have do not exceed 4 reentrant (include less than of reentrant of circular arc form) , or have 1 50. ~ 30. obtuse angle or contain 4 canals channel, or contain do not exceed a hole, its are suttle for 1. The silicon qualitative brick of 5 ~ 25kg, say for special model brick.
3) magnesium is qualitative special model brick. Standards of measurement of every exterior design occupies than in 1: In 8 categories, have do not exceed 4 reentrant (include less than of reentrant of circular arc form) , or have 1 30. ~ 50. obtuse angle; Or contain do not exceed key point of 3 aperture brick; Or contain do not exceed 4 canals channel, the magnesian qualitative brick that its sheet is 3 ~ 35kg again, say for special model brick.
Firebrick abbreviation firebrick, with the fireproof material that fireproof clay or fire of other and fireproof raw material become, flaxen or the belt is Brown. Ability the high temperature of ℃ of 1580 ℃ —1770, have the fireproof stuff of proper form and dimension, will differentiate by preparation technique can divide for firing brick, do not bake bricks, electric frit brick (founding brick) , fireproof and adiabatic brick; Can divide by appearance and dimension for standard type brick, common brick, distinctive model the brick. Can use as building kiln furnace and material of all sorts of high temperature housing materials that heat up labor facilities and construction, can experience all sorts of physico-chemical change and mechanical effect below high temperature.