Common firebrick is not to point to red brick normally. Common firebrick is the housing materials that a kind of special design uses at high temperature environment to fall, its color can be white, yellow, deep gray, and not be confined to is gules. Red brick is to show a kind of common structure uses a brick commonly, basically use at building a structure commonly, environment of high temperature of and rather than.
Firebrick is made by fireproof material, include alumina, siliceous aluminium, siliceous magnesium to wait normally, in order to ensure its are had below high temperature condition good heatproof, fight cankerous function. These material gift the fireproof sex with good firebrick, make its make the good data that is used at the high temperature equipment such as furnace of boiler, kiln, oven.
Overall and character, because make the raw material that uses in the process and processing technique,the color of firebrick and exterior are met and differ somewhat, can have a lot of color.