Determine to pledge density of the porosity of heat preservation brick, bulk and bibulous rate are in light material firebrick gently, the per cent that basically is the stomatic bulk in pointing to a product and product volume calls porosity. Gas hole rate basically has apparent pore to lead (namely percent opening) , closed pore rate and true porosity, product porosity shows apparent pore is led commonly, with " % " express. Corporeal quality (include air hole) it is bulk density namely, express with "g/cm3" . The quality that this stock adds water in place of starting a hole and the Wei of per cent afterwards of the quality after its are dry are bibulous rate, with " % " express. After saying to weigh, reoccupy liquid static state says serious way determines its bulk, calculable apparent pore is density of rate, bulk, bibulous rate. Formulary M1- - the quality of dry sample, g; M2---Observe the exterior of saturated sample, g; The quality of M3- air embezzle and sample, g; Below D1- experiment temperature, steep density G/cm3.
Fireproof material forms adiabatic and errant body. With dolomite, Fang Mei Shi Jiashi creams (as stabilizing agent) with the vitriolic happening that react and produce gas, or produce acetylene reaction to make gas with carbonization calcium and water, make thereby pouring body becomes poriferous light plastid. Fireproof heat insulation is pouring the true porosity of makings not under 45% . Makings of will small part is fireproof and pouring makings cent expects for small part fireproof and pouring makings, bubble is fireproof and pouring makings. Heat insulation is fireproof and pouring makings collect makings: 10-3mm of diameter of thick aggregate, bead, inattentive unit weight is less than 1.0g/cm3; Aggregate fine aggregate, bead diameter is less than 3mm, inattentive unit weight is less than 1.2g/cm3. Light qualitative aggregate basically has expand pearlite, ceramists, poriferous grog, float bead, floatstone, vermiculite, alumina is hollow the ball. Expanded plastics is pouring makings wait for composition by fireproof light aggregate, bond, vesicant. The bubble that colophony black uses is more.
Brick of adiabatic heat preservation is fireproof of the goods of brick of heat preservation of law of check proved recipe of goods examining basically is a basis the bulk density of refractory products and true porosity have a test. The solid matter in the quality of material of inchoate and poriferous body and among them bulk scale, poriferous body, open air hole and the sum of closed pore bulk. Reduce certain limit when bulk or stop certain construction (bore diameter and grain) too coarse when, bulk density measures quantitative change to get difficulty, affect the accuracy that total volume density determines thereby, in addition, because exterior surface roughness affects the accuracy of integral stereometry. In goods of brick of adiabatic heat preservation, in principle these stoma are identical, or is passed directly or aerate through other stoma. In the meantime, surface roughness also can affect the precision that stomatic cubage determines. Accordingly, when determine, what cannot be permeated by the liquid is stomatic. Shape true porosity is less than in adiabatic goods of 45% shape goods.
Silicon pledges the craft of adiabatic goods wants a place: The raw material that production silicon pledges adiabatic brick basically uses is crystallization silica, auxiliary raw material is silicon sandstone, mineralizer is to burn gesso, bond chooses waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp. Its burden falls for instance: Crystallization silica 75-80% , silicon sandstone 20-25% , burn gesso 5-7% , 1-2% of waste liquid of sulphurous acid pulp. Make sandstone of silica, silicon grain be the fine pink that is less than 0.088mm first, undertake mixing even by afore-mentioned burden and add the water of 30-40% , after classics is abrade, control slop density is 1.7-1.8g/cm3. With colophony and foaming agent of acerbity natrium of alkaline preparation colophony, its deserve to compare for colophony: Water: NaOH3 person mix juice of peptization of to the marrow mixes again after heating. Before use foaming agent, use times hot water of 4-5 foaming agent dilute, hit bubble 10-15min. slop of bubble of the preparation inside silica slop and canister of beating of foaming agent park. To increase the strength of semi-manufactured goods, can join 1% bone glue and of 0.5 aluminous. It is 0.4g/cm3 through controlling slop density to be able to make bulk density bricks of all sorts of adiabatic heat preservation to 1.2g/cm3 goods.